Bharat S Raj

Introduction to Azure AI Cognitive Services

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services is a set of services (SDKs, APIs, tools) that available on the cloud that will help developers incorporate machine learning and AI into your existing applications that will make your tools more engaging and intelligent.

There are several types of Cognitive Services available through Azure. These services are sometimes referred to as Artificial Intelligence (AI) services. They include:

Language AI

These services are used to help apps understand user commands, recognize the context of text for better search results, fix spelling and grammar errors, translate text into another language, and make suggestions for what to type next as a user is typing. The following are some of the APIs under Language AI:

Speech AI

These services that used for real-time speech translation, helping to resolve speech barriers such as speech impediments, thick accents, and background noise. It can also convert speech to text and text to speech. The following are the APIs under Speech AI:

Vision AI

These services are used to help apps identify and tag people’s faces in photographs.They can recognize emotions, automatically moderate content, and index images and videos. The following are the APIs under Vision AI:

Knowledge API

These services are used to recommend items to customers, convert complex information into simple answers, and help make interactive search more natural. It can also integrate academic information into apps and make simple decisions on its own. It learns through experience, so it gets smarter and more precise over time.

Search AI

These services are used for more precise and accurate results when searching news articles, images, videos, websites, and documents. It provides intelligent autosuggest options. It is integrated with the Bing search engine.